My primary goal is to treat the mind body and soul through a variety of naturopathic medicine therapies in order to optimise good health and well-being. This goal is met through optimal provision of safe and effective therapies for individualised treatment plans, which pave the way for permanent long term changes that will fit your specific unique lifestyle.

I commit my practice to encouraging your participation in the healing process, enhancing your quality of life and continually integrating new research into my practice.

I can work on increasing energy, improving mood, aiding digestion, increase immunity, resolve allergies, pin point food sensitivities, lose weight, improve sleep, prevent headaches and migraines, regulate hormone imbalances and much more.

I generally see women in their 40 and 50’s who present with stress, fatigue, thyroid issues and hormonal imbalances. I also like to work with younger ladies dealing with stress and anxiety, PCOS and endometriosis and much more. I would also like to see more men coming into practice to help deal with their health issues.

My curiosity peaks when I free clients from stress and fatigue, helping other women with our unique health issues and bring order to our imbalanced hormones. Everyone has a unique context to their health which is why I tailor your programme to match your needs.

With weight loss clients we work together to identify your path to a healthy weight while giving you the tools to walk down it. While I can’t promise you’ll never again look longingly at that fudge brownie, I can promise to pick you up should you fall. I believe that the body does not have to be a curse as everyone’s body can be a blessing. I dedicate myself to working with you to achieve long lasting results through stable and sustainable weigh loss.

I am more than happy to work alongside doctors or other health professionals to get the best possible result for you.

What I really care about is your health and well-being. Often we seek guidance from professionals to better our lives. What tends to lack in our system of health is the lack of time and one on one education. Proper health isn’t just about taking medicines it is about learning to maintain a balance in your life while supporting the whole body and mind. We are so easily confused today with the overwhelming information we are fed daily so it’s difficult to know what is a fad and what really works. Often you know what you should be doing but you aren’t sure what’s a priority and how you should go about making changes, this is were I can step in and help.

Botanical Medicine

Herbal or botanical medicine incorporates the healing properties of plants. Herbs are the traditional medicines of the past. In fact many drugs that are prescribed today have been made synthetically from substances that were originally discovered in plants. Today naturopaths and herbalists use complex plant extracts to assist with healing in the body. Herbs contain many active constituents and phytonutrients which are found in the root, leaves, stems or bark and flowers which can benefits for the body and are healing and soothing as well as treating a wide variety of health concerns. The advantage of using herb extracts and dried herbs is that I can create a personalized formula that for specific conditions and personalized for you.


As a naturopath, “Food as medicine” is always included in every treatment plan. Nutrient rich foods that can assist with healing will be included in your treatment plan or advice given of foods that may adversely affect you. Sometimes nutritional supplements may be recommended if necessary to help correct any underlying imbalances.

Lifestyle approach

One of the main aspects of good health is lifestyle. I will discuss lifestyle factors that are contributing to your health concerns such as stress, sleep, habits and physical activity. I want to guide you in to lifestyle practices that will make a difference to your overall health now and in the future.